Monday, May 24, 2010

A Yukon Weekend

This weekend was spent at Tatchun Lake campground just north of Carmacks with a great group of good friends. Beer, naps, fishing, campfires, canoeing, eating, beer. Thanks for the good times. Pics: the kids and Shaila cleaning fish. Denis and Anison canoeing.

walking on air (thanks Rick)

So we`ve been here for a week and so far we`re making the most of our time here. we`re helping out around the house, visiting friends and places and getting organised for the summer. I`m back to work this week with my old crew at Cinderwood which is a good choice for me. They have a lounge that makes me feel like a nhl hockey player, which is why I took the job. The pics: Isa and Claudiane. Isa and Bertrand Lacroix with his new toy.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Alors, nous sommes arrivee a Whitehorse. Nous sommes béni, merci. A la fin du voyage j'ai mal judger mon essence, mais par un miracle, on est arrivee au station de gaz. On est presentement avec notre bonne ami Claudiane qui nous acceuil pour l'instant. Les enfants sont heureux de jouer avec Lou, qui est la meme age de Lea May. Le Yukon c'est vraiment magic. Nous allons écrire des post ici souvent durent l'été au Yukon dans nos aventure. Merci d'etre la.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Liard Hot Springs

After Toad river, it was just a short drive into Liard where we enjoyed a beautiful morning in the pools. We were looking forward to this place since the begining of the trip and our time there was well spent. And, no black bears!! Yey!

Are We Moving Forward?

The kids each developed their own ways of passing the time and I`m very proud of them for being such good travellers despite signs of mutiny. Wildlife Alley really met our expectations this time, we saw moose, elk, bear and bison by the dozens. After a brush with a tall moose on the road at dusk, we pulled in at Toad river. There, we were graced by the presence of two moose grazing really close by and they stayed with us all night. That section of country is spectacular! Pics are bison and feet. The foot pic says alot about the state of things!

the long hard road

we met a travelling family in Vancouver and had some good times together in Tofino. The kids had a blast, as their kids are the same age. We had a nice visit with family in Vancouver. Thanks Lori, Ron, Meghan and Courtney for the visit. We left Vancouver for the long hard road to the Yukon. We left New Westminster and made it to Powder King the first night. These pics are friends, Rejean, Natalie, Charlotte, Eve. The kids with second cousins Meghan and Courtney

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Salut tout le monde
nous sommes a Fort St. John avec encore une longue route devant nous. Nous voyageons maintenant en classe economique (thank you Lori for the 2 kg of animal crackers). L'ecran du laptop ne fonctionne plus pis une couple d'autres affaires. On commence a etre fatigue et j'ai de la misere a formuler des phrases senses quand les employes des infos touristes nous demande si on a besoin d'aide (on veut juste aller aux toilettes pis checker l'internet, on veut rien visiter...)
En tous cas, plus bas que cela, on saute clandestinement sur un train (finale dramatique)...
On espere se rendre a Liard ce soir, histoire de relaxer et de se faire une toilette, bref retrouver notre forme humaine avant d'arriver a Whitehorse.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

quick update

Alors, nous sommes partie de Tofino et on est en route pour le Yukon. Plein de detail et photo a venir...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tofino (la belle Vie)

Bon ben bonjour tous le monde. Ca fait quelque jour que on s amuse a Tofino. On a louer des equipement pour faire du surf pour trois jour. Le reste du temps on s amuse au camping, sur la plage ou dans le village, toute est proche de nous. Les temperature commence a etre agreable et il fait soleil a chaque jour. Voici quelque photo...

1.famille de surf

2.Anison fait le cobra

3.Isabelle (debout)

4.Isabelle met son suit tout tramp

5.velo sur mer

Friday, May 7, 2010

a day in Vancouver

We camped in north van virtually under the Lion`s Gate Bridge. As soon as we got there, the kids found some other kids the exact same age who happen to wrapping up their 1 year voyage with their family. They also came to Tofino with us so the kids can really play and get out of our hair. We did Chinatown lunch, Isabelle`s haircut (totallt hot), a walk through Stanley Park and back across the brige, then out to the fairy. Some good Canadian had the good sence to put on the Canucks game for everyone on the fairy, thanks dude! (Canucks sad loss) GOHABSGO!


Hey folks, Andrew here to give a quick update with much more to follow soon. We have been and gone through Vancouver and are now in Tofino. Many pics and commentary coming...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rocky Mountains

The trip through the Rocky Mountain passes was very impressive being my first time passing through that part of the country. The old red truck handled the task with ease, as if there was ever a doubt. Some parts were a little sketchy with bad weather and Isabelle had a case of vertigo and I didn`t know if we were going up or down. For those of you who have passed there at night, you know of what I speak. Beautiful Lake Louise was frozen but the kids had a great time having snow ball fights and traumatizing tourists throwing air snowballs at them, in pyjamas, of course.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Here we are in Banff and we`re loving it. the kids are having a blast Isabelle is feeling great and even I`m happy! A much needed break from the road. The weather is nice, a little brisk though for may. Here we are regrouping and doing some good family activities. If I find a hundred bucks on the ground we`ll go up the gondola. This place is really nice and We`re hoping to see some elk in the park before we head out for Van on the 3rd. Q an A for all you Iphoners: how many moose in Canada?

At the hundredth meridian, where the great plains begin

It was a bit of a struggle crossing the prairies due to extreme weather. High winds and rain and cold temps for a few days made the trip difficult. The kids are amazing little travellers and Isabelle is good at keeping spirits high. Luckily, we just missed the great snow storm that hit Calgary, though we saw the snow drifts, pretty impressive. The autoroute around Winnipeg damaged a few things on the truck and I almost lost a rear tire that came loose and the trailer bearings are damaged (loose). We forgot about all those problems and treated ourselves to ribs, well, me and Anison anyway. Keep your stick on the ice!