Stardate 042610. Un gros merci a la famille Gaivin a Amos. You`re good people. Merci a les Chateauvert et les Rivard a Gallichan. On a passe des beau moment avec vous autre. The wind is blowin up a gail up here in the north, we would need some parkas. I`ve been able to do some work on the camper and Isabelle is hard at work with yoga classes and massage. Long days for her. The kids go to sleep no problem (as long as it`s past midnight.) For some reason, they`re really hungry all the time... a bag of chips should be enough for supper, shouldn`t it? Lea May nouris les canards chez Sylvain et Rejean demenage un cage a poule pour sa mere. Next stop, Kapuskasing.
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