Sunday, August 8, 2010

camper life is over, for now

A month in the camper is tough, a month in the camper while wondering around Whitehorse is really tough. I would go to work on my bike early in the morning and Isabelle was busy with the kids and their many projects. After work, we would decide what to do and where to go. It sounds easy enough, doesn`t it? Now we have a housitting gig for five weeks and I really appreciate things like, running water, a fridge that works, some space to move freely without stepping on some shoes or a bag of stuff. The poor camper is in rough shape so now we can regroup and fix things up before autumn when we`ll be homeless again. I was given access to a nice little fishing boat for the rest of the season so I`ll try to get that trophy fish photo I always wanted.


  1. Allô toute la famille
    On est très content pour vous, profitez bien de ce petit répit du campeur. Faites ce que vous aimez. Soyez heureux et revenez-nous en forme. On a tellement hâte de vous revoir.

    Michèle et Richard

  2. Great respite from camper life....enjoy. Who knows, maybe you'll get another house sitting after this one!
